More than 3500 Trees and Shrubs
- Published on 01 December 2016
Again it is autumn in the garden and again the big autumn rains keep us waiting. But the plants flowering in autumn do not seem too concerned: The Hibiscus in her soft rosé colour, the Pyrostegia venusta in light orange and the Chorisia insignis, a tree with large beige flowers. And last but not least the roses, both bushes and climbers, which revive when the summer heat is over.
This year it is the pergola's turn for a thorough maintenance. After ten years the climbers must either be replaced or cut back very deeply.
During the last months we made a new inventory of the garden. Twelve years ago we counted 107 different varieties comprising 2060 specimens of individual trees and shrubs. Now we have 231 varieties and a total of 3525 specimens.