Season's Greetings
- Published on 19 December 2018
First of all we wish you all a nice Christmas and a happy New Year. By "we" we mean the new board of the Foundation, now consisting of the founders Johannes Klein (President) and Johanna Schreuder (Vice President) and our new members Vicente Escrig Peris (Secretary) and Karen Cuppen.
In the picture (click to enlarge) you can see the board members near the shepherd with his dog and the sheep, a group made by Antonio Marí and a very relevant item at this time of year.
On April 7th a new exhibition will start: Twenty Year Sculpture Garden, a group exhibition predominantly with artists who have shown solo exhibitions in the garden earlier.
For your diary: the festive inauguration with introductions by the contributing artists and with music, snacks and wine will take place on Sunday April 7 at 11 am. Everybody is welcome, the entry fee is the usual €5 p.p.
In the meantime we will be showing four statues by Antonio Imbernón, which we will sell for him.
The design of the garden is such that there are flowers in all seasons. Those who wish to visit the garden, you are welcome, the garden will be open as usual on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm. For weekdays you can make an appointment by e-mail or phone, also for Christmas or New Year days.
Finally we are proud to mention that in 2018 the Klein-Schreuder Sculpture Garden has again been awarded the Certificate of Excellence by TripAdvisor. Many thanks to all visitors who took the time to review us on TripAdvisor.
Johannes Klein and Johanna Schreuder