Paseo de Navidad en el jardín
- Publicado el 03 Diciembre 2016
Nosotros queremos invitarles a un paseo de Navidad en el jardín el Domingo 11 de diciembre a los 12 hasta 13 h.
Christmas is the celebration of the light, even when it is dark inside us, the light will shine. A special event of hidden light is the ladder of Jacob which can be seen when the sun acts as a floodlight behind the clouds.
Many artists have interpreted this phenomenon. The bronze statue Jacob's Ladder by Johanna Klein-Schreuder will be shown in the garden this day. During the walk other sculptures can also be viewed.
The Christmas walk will be preceded by a short Christmas meditation whereafter you will have the opportunity to light a candle or lay down any other symbol. After the walk a glass of wine will be served. The entrance is free, a donation will be appreciated.
This Christmas walk is organized in a cooperation between 'ZON Network' and the Klein-Schreuder Foundation. For more information, please contact Irene Godderij, tel. 682 463 744.